Rally at the Capitol for a Constitutional Ban on Florida Coastal Drilling 7/20/2010
WHEN: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
WHERE: The Capitol Courtyard (between the old and new Capitol) in Tallahassee, FL
TIME: 11:30 am EST
Please join Save Our Shores! Florida, Crude Awakening, Hands Across The Sand, The Florida Wildlife Federation, 1Sky Florida, Audubon of Florida, Clean Water Action, Emerald Coastkeeper, Defenders of Wildlife, Progress Florida, Sierra Club Florida and other organizations for a Hands at the Capitol Event to ask our legislators to let Florida citizens decide the question – Should drilling be banned from our state territorial waters?
Join us on Tuesday July 20 at 11:30 am EST in the Capitol Courtyard for this important event then stay to visit with your elected representatives to ask them to let the voters decide.
Goal: at least one caravan from EVERY legislative district! Please tell all your supportive friends in Florida!
The Legislature has been called into Special Session on Tuesday, July 20 -23 to consider a Joint Resolution that would place the question of drilling in state waters on the ballot for November. This event will show the statewide support for this ballot initiative. Our message to the legislators is – Let the people decide!!
WHERE: The Capitol Courtyard (between the old and new Capitol) in Tallahassee, FL
TIME: 11:30 am EST
Please join Save Our Shores! Florida, Crude Awakening, Hands Across The Sand, The Florida Wildlife Federation, 1Sky Florida, Audubon of Florida, Clean Water Action, Emerald Coastkeeper, Defenders of Wildlife, Progress Florida, Sierra Club Florida and other organizations for a Hands at the Capitol Event to ask our legislators to let Florida citizens decide the question – Should drilling be banned from our state territorial waters?
Join us on Tuesday July 20 at 11:30 am EST in the Capitol Courtyard for this important event then stay to visit with your elected representatives to ask them to let the voters decide.
Goal: at least one caravan from EVERY legislative district! Please tell all your supportive friends in Florida!
The Legislature has been called into Special Session on Tuesday, July 20 -23 to consider a Joint Resolution that would place the question of drilling in state waters on the ballot for November. This event will show the statewide support for this ballot initiative. Our message to the legislators is – Let the people decide!!
For more information on this important event, including finding out about places to stay and other events in Tallahassee that week, please check here or contact Kim Ross at crudeawaketally@gmail.com
To assist Crude Awakening in the lobby portion of the day, please complete the following form to help us better organize: http://bit.ly/9tnuN6
Talking points when calling your Legislators:
- Support a Permanent Ban on Oil Drilling in Florida’s Waters.
- Let the People Decide. Tell your Legislators to put the Oil Drilling Ban on the State Ballot and make the ban on drilling in Florida’s coastal waters permanent.
- The oil that has been washing up on Florida’s beaches is a stark example of why oil drilling should never be allowed in Florida’s coastal waters.
- While state law limits drilling in Florida waters the Legislature can undo the ban in a matter of days. (At the request of the oil companies they almost did that last year).
- To protect Florida’s beaches now and for our children and grandchildren we need to give the people a chance to vote on an amendment banning nearshore drilling on November’s ballot.
- Once the people of Florida place this ban in the Constitution, only the people of Florida can remove it.
To make a contribution to our advocacy work for strong protections of Florida's coastal environment, click here.

You people need to do something ASAP, before our SunShine State become the OIL STATE is gross here right now, I would'nt visit here if I didn't live here already. But I'm up for moving to another state now.
July 15, 2010 at 12:54 AMOBAMA CLEAN UP OUR GULF
July 19, 2010 at 12:29 PMOn specific targeted dates we are asking everyone to call the White House and their senators and representatives to voice our intent that clean-up of the BP oil spill be taken away from BP and vested with the federal government. On subsequent dates we will repeat the initiative with a different mandate designed to keep the Administration on track and on task with the clean up.
Please visit us on Facebook at: OBAMA CLEAN UP OUR GULF and click the MAKE THE CALL tab for specific information and scripted talking points.
If we all rally together and TAKE SOME ACTION we CAN make a difference! Please pay this forward by passing this along to five eco-friendly friends by cutting and pasting this into your friend's "Send a Message" window. Also check out our web presence: www.ObamaCleanUpOurGulf.org.
Thanks, Anne
July 19, 2010 at 2:22 PMninest123 16.01
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