Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Petition for a Florida Constitutional Amendment Banning Offshore Drilling

Florida relies on clean beaches and pristine waters for our economic and environmental well-being. Oil drilling in our state marine waters, which extend three miles into the Atlantic Ocean and 10 miles into the Gulf of Mexico, is simply too great a risk to take. Unfortunately, some of our elected leaders have been heavily influenced by powerful oil interests, and in 2009 the Florida House voted to end the current drilling ban. Fortunately, the bill failed to pass the Senate.

In order to stop any future attempts by the Florida Legislature to allow near-beach oil drilling on our coasts, we have formed a coalition to place the ban on the November 2012 ballot.

We will need approximately 700,000 verified petitions and around $70,000 for the signature verification process.  We have until February of 2012 to hand in all of our signatures. The Petition Form is attached below.

Please click here to print the form and mail it in. Leave the "paid petition circulator" section blank.

1) All petitions must be from registered Florida voters. If you are a student, use the address where you are registered to vote.
2) Forms must be filled out completely and sent in to the address at the bottom of the form.
3) While you may enter either your Voter Registration Number or Date of Birth, using the Voter Registration Number will speed the processing by the Supervisor of Elections offices.
4) Forms should not be altered in any way. Any changes to the form, including scribbling, writing not included on the original form, web URLs, stamps, etc. will cause the petition to be rejected by the Supervisor of Elections.

Become a member of Save Our Shores! Florida and support our efforts to ban drilling off Florida's coasts.

Photo by Shutterstock.


Anonymous said...

When is the deadline to get these in???

October 5, 2010 at 3:28 PM
Judson Parker said...

This will be on the 2012 ballot so we have until roughly the end of 2011. It seems like a lot of time, but gathering 700,000 signatures will not be easy.

October 5, 2010 at 5:24 PM
Amanda Meredith said...

Updated the post above to reflect the deadline.

October 6, 2010 at 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...

I was part of a petition drive that started in Feb '09 and ended about Sept 2010 to get a candidate for US Senate on the ballot. We needed 100k+ signatures. The goal was reached but it was a herculean effort and required many, many people on the ground. Every day and everywhere. You are probably already doing this but contact USF and UT (both in Tampa). They both have great Poly-Sci departments and a great many of our volunteers (TPA Bay area) came from there. I would bet that the head of the Dept at both colleges would allow their students to participate as this is very much a political issue. With participation comes extra credit for them. Orlando and South Florida are also excellent places to recruit. 2012 is going to be a huge election cycle on every level so you gotta get the volunteers now. Before they get "sucked" into other campaigns.

January 28, 2011 at 10:51 PM
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