Tuesday, May 18, 2010

SOS! to Assist with BP Class-Action Lawsuit

On April, 29, 2010 Birmingham, Alabama attorney Shane Lucado filed a class-action lawsuit against BP (British Petroleum) and Transocean for economic damages caused by the ongoing spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Save Our Shores! Florida is currently seeking businesses, property owners, fishermen, etc. who have been negatively affected by the oil slick and asking them to contact the Lucado Law Firm's offices to find out more about joining the case. BP should be held accountable for every last cent of damages caused by their negligence. Even if the oil has not actually made landfall in your area, restricted access to the Gulf, vacation rental cancellations, etc. are all compensable damages, so it is very important to take action as soon as possible.

If you know someone who has been affected by the spill, please pass this word along as well.

Our contact at the Lucado Law Firm is Whitney Shirley. You can reach her at (888) 278-0026.

Though we are assisting in the recovery of human economic damages, we understand that a victory against BP is also a victory for the wildlife and habitat that have no legal voice of representation. Please help us spread the word about this class action suit and move forward against the irresponsible oil giant BP.

Latest news from the Lucado Law Firm:

On Friday, May 7, 2010, BP filed a motion seeking transfer of the class-action suit filed in federal court in Birmingham, Alabama to Houston, Texas.

According to Lucado, a Birmingham attorney who filed several additional cases against BP and Transocean, “BP is seeking a forum in Houston because it has offices located there, and it may perceive Houston to be a more advantageous forum for oil companies.”

Lucado added, “Transocean, which is named in the lawsuits with BP, is rumored to be in the process of filing an action in Houston federal court under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), seeking to limit the recovery of those damaged by the oil spill to a total of $75,000,000 (seventy five million dollars). Under OPA, any damages BP and Transocean may have caused by the oil spill are limited to a total of $75,000,000 unless Congress acts to increase the limit.” “I am opposing the transfer of these cases to Houston,” Lucado stated, “and will instead ask the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (federal judge panel responsible for consolidating these cases) to transfer the cases to a more neutral location. Obviously, $75,000,000 will not cover the damages caused by the oil spill.”


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